Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29 Fortune

Alright, so I am obviously having problems lately.

First, all my fortunes get thrown away! And the second, I open a fortune cookie and it doesn't even have a fortune!!!
I do not have any luck... So now I am opening a new cookie...

"Ask Your Mom."

No joke. That is seriously what it says. Wow, that is AMAZING! (Still NOT a fortune... I am telling you, I will never ever get one)

Alright, so I think that this fortune means that you should ask your mom. It is pretty self-explanatory! What I would like to know is: Ask your mom what? Is there something specific that I am supposed to ask? I really don't know.
Ask your mom if she went to college...

Okay, just ask your mom whatever you like!


Luke said...

I, too, received an Ask Your Mom fortune. I was so baffled I asked google instead. I found you :)

lexi said...

same for me. I just got it yesterday. So weird. people are becoming less and less creative.