Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8 2008 FORTUNE

I am back. I just wanted to say that if you are planning to go out to a chinese restaurant then let me know.

my cell is 480 6- wait i forgot. I am not supposed to give my phone numbers out to strangers. duh.

well it was worth a try.

April 8 2008 FORTUNE

"Now is the time to enjoy trying something new."

Are you saying that i am boring???
If there anything that i am NOT then its boring. I am plenty interesting... ask my family.

So maybe this means WHAT IT SAYS!

okay so go out and try something new.

did it work? wait, whats supposed to happen?
Well it doesn't say.

This fortune is a waste of time!! Although I do like new things...

Just.... just... ASK YOUR MOM!